Thursday 28 February 2013

Dark chocolate

Numerous studies have shown that dark chocolate, sweet, delicious and rich in flavor, provides numerous health benefits. The secret ingredient is the cocoa that contains many nutrients that are great for your health. The only problem is the bitter taste of cocoa so in making the chocolate are added sugar, butter and milk. All this is great for your taste buds, but not for health.

In order to chocolate you eat be healthy it should contain at least 70% cocoa. Do not exaggerate because even a small amount of dark chocolate does wonders for your health. It is enough just to eat about 200 grams of chocolate a week.

Benefits of dark choclate: 
Healthier heart - swedish researchers conducted a study in which more than 31,000 women took part. Those who consumed moderately dark chocolate had a 3 times lower risk of heart attack. Another study carried out by scientists in Germany has shown that dark chocolate lowers blood pressure and risk of heart attack and stroke by 39%. Research of Australian scientists has shown that dark chocolate helps to healthier weight loss in obese people who are exercising. It is interesting that chocolate contains 5 times more flavonoids than apple.

Weight Loss - Scientists in Denmark have proved that dark chocolate successfully satisfies the craving for sweet, salty and fatty. That way you'll be a lot easier to keep a diet plan for weight loss.

Happier children - mothers who ate dark chocolate during pregnancy stated that they faced better with stress, compared to mothers who did not ate dark chocolate. Also, Finnish researchers have proved that babies of mothers who ate dark chocolate during pregnancy are happier and laugh more.

Diabetes - in a small study by Italian researchers, participants, who are moderately amounts of dark chocolate daily, after 15 days showed a reduced risk of insulin resistance. Flavonoids increase the production of nitric oxide, which helps control the body's sensitivity to insulin.

Stress – American scientists have recently confirmed that stress causes a craving for snacks, especially for chocolate. Best of all is that chocolate reduces levels of stress hormones (cortisol). People who ate in a period of 2 weeks dark chocolate daily had significantly lower levels of cortisol in the body.

Sun protection - British scientists have proven that flavonoids in chocolate have the power to protect against UV rays. After only 3 months of consuming dark chocolate skin need 2 times more sun exposure to lead to the development of skin rashes or burns. People who ate milk chocolate, have not developed resistance to UV rays.

Brain - the next time you're under stress, eat a few squares of dark chocolate. Except that it will reduce your stress level, improve your concentration which is necessary. American  scientists have proved that cocoa stimulates blood flow to key parts of the brain. Effect of cocoa takes 2 to 3 hours, so it is a better choice than coffee. Research of scientists from Norway has shown that people older than 70 years had significantly better cognitive tests if they consume foods rich in flavonoids (cocoa, dark chocolate, red wine).

Cough - recent research by British scientists has shown that eating dark chocolate for a period of 2 weeks significantly reduces the symptoms of chronic cough. Dark chocolate contains theobromine for which scientists claim to have miraculous healing powers. Only 30 grams of dark chocolate contains up to 450 milligrams of theobromine.

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